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Art I Syllabus

Oak Grove High School 

Instructor: Ms. Buesing

Phone: 690-4152 Ext. 1656

Email: [email protected]

Art I is an introductory course which is a prerequisite for any advanced art courses you may choose in the future. This year you will be exploring different types of media and turning each studio project into your own creation. Together we will be exploring what it means to be in the conceptual age of art thinking and design. You are all designers and will discover your strengths in this class. 


  • Students will develop visual literacy through studying and describing visual metaphor, visual systems, and iconography and how these concepts connect and divide human societies.

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements and principles of 2-D design through art production and critical analysis

  • Students will become conversant in a variety of 2-D art media

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of visual literacy and visual culture throughout their works and writing assignments. 

  • Students will acquire the vocabulary necessary to discuss, interpret, analyze, and critique examples of visual expression that they create and work done by established designers and  artists

Materials and Fees:

There is a $40 fee for this course ($20 per semester). You will each receive a plastic storage bin with you supplies. This fee also covers all other needed materials this year, including: clay, glaze, paint, various papers, inks etc. Your parent may send cash or a check to OGHS and I will write you a receipt. If this fee is not paid your grade card will be held until your obligation is met. (Parents, if there is a reason the fee cannot be paid at this time, please call me so we can work on other arrangements). All students are responsible for this fee. 


All art supplies for our classroom work and projects will be covered in your art fee, however, you will be expected to bring a simple sketch book which can be found at many stores including Walmart. This sketch book does not need to be large or expensive just a simple book with blank pages. If you have a difficult time finding one or cannot get one for whatever reason please talk to me and we will make arrangements. You will be expected to have your sketchbook at each and every class. Your sketchbook will be where you can take notes (unless you prefer a different notebook) and make preliminary sketches of ideas. This sketchbook will be turned in for grading on a regular basis so treat it kindly and make it yours. 

Image documentation:

During some lessons you will be expected to snap a one image of your progress throughout the class, I will give the required amount of images snapped each class they are expected. This one second documentation is a wonderful way to figure out progress and learn from you process. When these images are expected for a unit, you will turn in an accumulated collection of them from each project at the conclusion of the unit. This is a new process for many of you so if you have questions I am more than happy to clarify. 

Note: If you do not have a phone or access to a computer at home please talk to me and we will find a solution. 


Studio Projects:

 At the start of each studio project you will be given a rubric which will outline all expectations of the project. You will be expected to keep your rubric which will be turned in with your project. Each project is worth 100pts, each day your project is late I will deduct 10 points from your final grade. If at any point you feel your work will be late due to the complexity of your design PLEASE talk to me prior to the turn in date and plead your case, I am more than happy to give a reasonable amount of outside work time for any project that exceeds classroom expectation. Excused absences will have two days extension for each absent day, however you must finish this work outside of the classroom.  100points


Sketchbooks will be turned in at different intervals, these sketch books are used for as a pre assessment. Each time the sketchbook is turned in it is worth 20 points, unless you are told differently. If your sketchbook is turned in late 2 points will be deducted for each late day. After 2 days I will not take any late sketchbooks, unless it is due to an excused absence. 20 points


Each unit you will be expected to complete a powerpoint as a reflection of the learning process of your unit. The power point includes your image documentation, pre-thinking, and a written reflection. The entire presentation is worth 100 points. 


Other assignments for each unit will be expected of you throughout the year. These assignments will gage progress and understanding of concepts and will vary in point systems which will be clear upon execution of the work. These works will not be accepted late unless the lateness is due to an excused absence. 


 Homework will be completed in your sketchbook and will be a pre/post assessment on techniques used during units. 25 points

Late work:

Any work which is due to an excused absence will be accepted two days late for each day absent. If there are extenuating circumstances to this rule please come talk to me and we will work together to create a solution. 


Good behavior is very important in the art room as there are many expensive materials and equipment. I expect each student, as high schoolers, to be able to control their own behavior. That being said, I realize accidents happens. If each of you is doing his and her own work accidents will be minimal. Be respectful of others, and you are NEVER allowed to touch anyone else’s artwork but your own! We all function better with conversation, so appropriate conversation at a reasonable volume level is, of course, welcome during work time. We are a bell to bell class, so I expect for you to work from the start of class to the end of class, I will give you a reasonable amount of cleanup time, however, no one is allowed to begin cleanup without my direction. 

I am so excited to see where we go this year! I fully expect to learn just as much from you as you do from me. If at any time you are frustrated or have ANY issue please come talk to me and I will work with you.

Thank you,

Ms. Buesing

Art 2 Syllabus

Oak Grove High School

Instructor: Ms. Buesing

Phone: 690-4152 Ext. 1656

Email: [email protected]

Art 2 is a year long course designed for students to create advanced artwork using a variety of 2D and 3D making processes. This year you will be expanding on the different types of media you have previously learned  and designing each studio project into your own creation while following the rubric set for the project. Together we will be exploring what it means to be in the conceptual age of art thinking and design. You are all designers and will discover your strengths in this class.


  • Students will develop visual literacy through studying and describing visual metaphor, visual systems, and iconography and how these concepts connect and divide human societies.

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements and principles of 2D design through art production and critical analysis

  • Students are expected to create well planned and well executed projects. 

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of visual literacy and visual culture throughout their works and writing assignments.

  • Students will be expected to put their own flair and culture into each work which is created. The student will be able to justify their own personal direction they take in their work. 

Please note that at any time if you are wanting and able to extend your projects beyond the basic boundaries of the unit, I encourage you to do so. If you will need an extension, talk to me and we will come up with a reasonable solution. I do not want time limits to stop you. 

Materials and Fees:

There is a $40 fee for this course ($20 per semester). You will each receive a plastic storage bin with you supplies. This fee also covers all other needed materials this year, including: clay, glaze, paint, various papers, inks etc. Your parent may send cash or a check to OGHS and I will write you a receipt. If this fee is not paid your grade card will be held until your obligation is met. (Parents, if there is a reason the fee cannot be paid at this time, please call me so we can work on other arrangements). All students are responsible for this fee.


All art supplies for our classroom work and projects will be covered in your art fee, however, you will be expected to bring a simple sketch book which can be found at many stores including Wal-Mart. This sketch book does not need to be large or expensive just a simple book with blank pages. If you have a difficult time finding one or cannot get one for whatever reason please talk to me and we will make arrangements. You will be expected to have your sketchbook at each and every class. Your sketchbook will be where you can take notes (unless you prefer a different notebook) and make preliminary sketches of ideas. This sketchbook will be turned in for grading on a regular basis so treat it kindly and make it yours.

Five second video Documentation:

You will be expected to complete five second video documentation of your progress on your studio projects. You will be scored on the completion of your project using a rubric for the five second video documentation. 


Studio Projects: At the start of each studio project you will be given a rubric which will outline all expectations of the project. You will be expected to keep your rubric which will be turned in with your project. Each project is worth 100pts, each day your project is late I will deduct 10 points from your final grade. If at any point you feel your work will be late due to the complexity of your design PLEASE talk to me prior to the turn in date and plead your case, I am more than happy to give a reasonable amount of outside work time for any project that exceeds classroom expectation. Excused absences will have two days extension for each absent day, however you must finish this work outside of the classroom.  100 points

Sketchbooks: Sketchbooks will be turned in at different intervals, these sketchbooks are used for as a pre assessment. Each time the sketchbook is turned in it is worth 20 points, unless you are told differently. If your sketchbook is turned in late 2 points will be deducted for each late day. After 2 days I will not take any late sketchbooks, unless it is due to an excused absence. 20 points


You will be required to complete a reflection and formal artist statement for each Unit, as well as documenting your “big idea” brainstorming exploration using pictures of all mind mapping or drawings occurring during these two days. Both the reflection and big idea exploration will follow the guidelines of the scoring guide given to each of you. 

Other: Other assignments for each unit will be expected of you throughout the year. These assignments will gage progress and understanding of concepts and will vary in point systems which will be clear upon execution of the work. These works will not be accepted late unless the lateness is due to an excused absence.

Homework: Homework will be completed in your sketchbook and will cover a pre and post assessment of techniques and concepts. 20 points

Late work:

Any work which is due to an excused absence will be accepted two days late for each day absent. If there are extenuating circumstances to this rule please come talk to me and we will work together to create a solution.


Good behavior is very important in the art room as there are many expensive materials and equipment. I expect each student, as high schoolers, to be able to control their own behavior. That being said, I realize accidents happens. If each of you is doing his and her own work accidents will be minimal. Be respectful of others, and you are NEVER allowed to touch anyone else’s art work but your own! We all function better with conversation, so appropriate conversation at a reasonable volume level is, of course, welcome during work time. We are a bell to bell class, so I expect for you to work from the start of class to the end of class, I will give you a reasonable amount of cleanup time, however, no one is allowed to begin cleanup without my direction.

I am so excited to see where we go this year! I fully expect to learn just as much from you as you do from me. If at any time you are frustrated or have ANY issue please come talk to me and I will work with you.

Thank you,

Ms. Buesing

Studio III/IV – Course Layout

3 Projects Per Semester

  • The student will center their works around the concept of Big Ideas.  Should a student finish their work early, they are able to complete more projects.  Should these projects receive a higher grade, they are able to replace their lowest graded project with the new grade.

  • 100 points per project (300 total for the semester)

  • 20 Points – Planning (60 total for the semester)

    • Pictorial drafts, mind maps, inspiration boards, etc.

      • 3D compositions must show frontal and side view of composition at a minimum to demonstrate understanding of form.

  • 10 Points – Conference with Buesing (30 total for the semester)

    • Discussion of planning process explaining demonstrating train of thought 

  • 100 Points (total of 300), required ONCE per project – Artist Showcase

    • Once per project, completed work will be exhibited.  The project process from start to finish (sketches, mind maps, notes, inspirations, drafts, final composition) will be displayed as well as an accompanying artist statement/explanation.

  • Total Points possible per Semester: 

  • 2 Projects must be completed by the end of 1st quarter and 3rd quarter  with their 3rd project in progress.  3 total projects will be completed per semester, with 6 total projects being completed through the course of school year.

  • Medium Choices

    • No one single method or exact combination of methods may be used more than twice per semester

    • One 3D work must be completed per semester (clay, sculpture, weaving, etc)

      • It is the student’s responsibility that should they choose a medium such as clay, that they are aware of drying time, firing and finishing (glazing/painting/etc.) times

    • Materials must be approved by Buesing PRIOR to beginning the final composition

      • There MUST be a plan. The plan can change should the need arise but needs to be discussed with Buesing.

Big Ideas

  • Identity

  • The Part and The Whole

  • Conflict

  • Comparison

  • Reflection

  • Observation

  • Natural

  • Measure

  • Distraction

  • Failure and Success

  • Process

  • Movement

  • Community

  • Family

  • Time

  • Consumption

  • Boundary

  • Belief

  • Material

  • Play

  • Unity/Symphony

  • Power

  • Story

  • Change

  • General Project Rubric Information/Point Break Down

    • 20 Points – Artist Statement/Explanation

      • This should be ONE page MINIMUM and cover the following areas:

        • Theme/Subject- How is this apparent in your work?

        • Process – What did you do, why, and how?

        • Self-Critique – Where did you succeed?  Where could you improve?  What would you do differently (good or bad)?

        • What were you hoping to communicate in relation to your theme?

    • 20 Points – Craftsmanship

    • 60 Points – Compositional Execution and Creativity, I want you to come up with the overall skill goal you were striving to better during each project. This can be something we sit down and discuss during our meetings prior to each project. 

Advanced Placement Art History:

Instructor: Ms. Buesing

Phone: (816)690-4152 x 1656


Purpose of Advanced Placement Art History (from the College Board)

  • The AP Art History course should engage students at the same level as an introductory college art history survey. Such a course involves critical thinking and should develop an understanding and knowledge of diverse historical and cultural contexts of architecture, sculpture, painting and other media. It also provides an opportunity for schools to strengthen an area neglected in most curricula. In this course, students examine and critically analyze major forms of artistic expression from the past and the present from a variety of cultures.

General Information

  • This class is for juniors and seniors only, as it is equivalent to a freshman logel collegiate art course.

  • No prerequisites are required though successful completion of regular Art 1 is encouraged.

  • AP Art History is a weighted course at OGHS.

  • Advanced Placement Art History is a year-long elective fine art course. Students are expected to take the timed AP Art History exam in the spring at a cost of $92. College credit can be earned by scoring a 3, 4, or 5 on a 1-5 scale.

  • The AP Art history exam will be given on May 2nd, it is a three hour long exam.

  • This course is not only a study of cultures starting from prehistory to the present, but we will also learn about their contributions to the world of architecture. Students will learn many new vocabulary terms that they will use throughout the course as well as on the final exam. Students will also have many written assignments in which he or she will research on specific art themes.

Course Outline:

    We will follow a rigorous schedule to complete all 11 chapters in our book as well as learn all 250 art pieces that will potentially be on the final AP exam. Students will be required to do a great deal of READING outside the classroom for us to complete all assignments.


  • 3” Three ring binder

  • Notebook paper

  • Notecards

  • Binder pocket (for flash cards)

Written Assignments:

    Students will have many written assignments throughout the year. Since this is a college-level course, spelling, punctuation, grammar will be portion of the AP Exam.

Snapshot Statements

Summaries of the individual artwork with pertinent information about it as well as its creator.


These will be 3”X5” index cards with an image on one side and information on  the back pertaining to content, context, form, and function as well as the title, artist, date created, media, size and where it can be seen today.


There will be a test each quarter to check your understanding on the information studied. These will be over ALL the material covered in the quarter. I will also have quizzes over each chapter that we discuss. These tests will end up being a mix of multiple choice and short answer, modeled after the final AP Exam.


There are no fees, except the $92 for the exam with will be paid at a later date and classroom material.


Art I Syllabus

Oak Grove High School

Instructor: Ms. Buesing

Phone: 690-4152 Ext. 1656

Email: [email protected] 

Art I is an introductory course which is a prerequisite for any advanced art courses you may choose in the future. This year you will be exploring different types of media and turning each studio project into your own creation. Together we will be exploring what it means to be in the conceptual age of art thinking and design. You are all designers and will discover your strengths in this class.


  • Students will develop visual literacy through studying and describing visual metaphor, visual systems, and iconography and how these concepts connect and divide human societies.

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the visual elements and principles of 2-D design through art production and critical analysis

  • Students will become conversant in a variety of 2-D art media

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of visual literacy and visual culture throughout their works and writing assignments.

  • Students will acquire the vocabulary necessary to discuss, interpret, analyze, and critique examples of visual expression that they create and work done by established designers and  artists

Materials and Fees:

There is a $40 fee for this course ($20 per semester). You will each receive a plastic storage bin with you supplies. This fee also covers all other needed materials this year, including: clay, glaze, paint, various papers, inks etc. Your parent may send cash or a check to OGHS and I will write you a receipt. If this fee is not paid your grade card will be held until your obligation is met. (Parents, if there is a reason the fee cannot be paid at this time, please call me so we can work on other arrangements). All students are responsible for this fee.


All art supplies for our classroom work and projects will be covered in your art fee, however, you will be expected to bring a simple sketch book which can be found at many stores including Wal-Mart. This sketch book does not need to be large or expensive just a simple book with blank pages. If you have a difficult time finding one or cannot get one for whatever reason please talk to me and we will make arrangements. You will be expected to have your sketchbook at each and every class. Your sketchbook will be where you can take notes (unless you prefer a different notebook) and make preliminary sketches of ideas. This sketchbook will be turned in for grading on a regular basis so treat it kindly and make it yours.

One second videos:

During some lessons you will be expected to snap a one second video of your progress throughout the class, I will give the required amount of video snaps each class they are expected. This one second documentation is a wonderful way to figure out progress and learn from you process. When these videos are expected for a unit, you will turn in an accumulated collection of them from the week on each Friday. They really don’t take long to compile, mostly it is remembering to take your one second snap. This is a new process for many of you so if you have questions I am more than happy to clarify.

Note: If you do not have a phone or access to a computer at home please talk to me and we will find a solution.


Studio Projects: At the start of each studio project you will be given a rubric which will outline all expectations of the project. You will be expected to keep your rubric which will be turned in with your project. Each project is worth 100pts, each day your project is late I will deduct 10 points from your final grade. If at any point you feel your work will be late due to the complexity of your design PLEASE talk to me prior to the turn in date and plead your case, I am more than happy to give a reasonable amount of outside work time for any project that exceeds classroom expectation. Excused absences will have two days extension for each absent day, however you must finish this work outside of the classroom.  100points

Sketchbooks: Sketchbooks will be turned in at different intervals, these sketch books are used for as a preassessment. Each time the sketchbook is turned in it is worth 20 points, unless you are told differently. If your sketchbook is turned in late 2 points will be deducted for each late day. After 2 days I will not take any late sketchbooks, unless it is due to an excused absence. 20 points

One second video: Each second of your one second video is worth 1 point. So, if you have 20 seconds you are to record for that week your video compilation will be worth 20 points on Friday. At the end of the semester an entire collective of all your one second documentation will be turned into me via email or other arrangements. 1point per video clip.

Other: Other assignments for each unit will be expected of you throughout the year. These assignments will gage progress and understanding of concepts and will vary in point systems which will be clear upon execution of the work. These works will not be accepted late unless the lateness is due to an excused absence.

Homework: Homework will be completed in your sketchbook and will be a pre/post assessment on techniques used during units. 25points

Late work:

Any work which is due to an excused absence will be accepted two days late for each day absent. If there are extenuating circumstances to this rule please come talk to me and we will work together to create a solution.


Good behavior is very important in the art room as there are many expensive materials and equipment. I expect each student, as high schoolers, to be able to control their own behavior. That being said, I realize accidents happens. If each of you is doing his and her own work accidents will be minimal. Be respectful of others, and you are NEVER allowed to touch anyone else’s art work but your own! We all function better with conversation, so appropriate conversation at a reasonable volume level is, of course, welcome during work time. We are a bell to bell class, so I expect for you to work from the start of class to the end of class, I will give you a reasonable amount of cleanup time, however, no one is allowed to begin cleanup without my direction.

I am so excited to see where we go this year! I fully expect to learn just as much from you as you do from me. If at any time you are frustrated or have ANY issue please come talk to me and I will work with you.

Thank you,

Ms. Buesing