Kate Sollars

Mrs. Sollars

  -Health/PE Teacher
  -OGHS grad
  -NHS sponsor

please contact me at [email protected]

Class Schedule
1st Hour:  Plan Period
2nd Hour:  Health
3rd Hour:  Health
4th Hour:  Yoga
5th Hour:  Health
6th Hour:  Power walking
7th Hour:  Health
8th Hour:  Advisory


The students will be able to apply the information presented in this class to help them develop a HEALTHY and SAFE lifestyle.  The goal of this course is to understand that all experiences and behaviors impact our bodies in either positive or negative ways. 


The objective/ expectations for yoga are for students to gain a knowledge, understanding, and respect for the many different styles of yoga.

Student will experience different styles of yoga, allowing them to determine what style is best for them.  Students will be required to fully participate in class for daily participation points.